
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Happy B-day Joni!

I have updated all the pix on here... well most. But I have to add one more of my FABULOUS sis. It is her b-day today, I think she is 22 years old today. She is the most amazing person in the world and I would be lost without her. She is someone that I strive to be like everyday. She never puts herself before anyone or anything. She is creative and imaginative, kind and loving. The list could go on and on...

She has put up with me turning her into Marsha Brady while she slept, spit-wads upon spit-wads and the never ending supply of insects, rodents and snakes I brought home to her to hear her scream. And yes, she still loves me!

Happy B-day, I love you and appreciate everything you do and the inspiration that you give me!!!

1 comment:

Joni said...

I'm sitting here at my desk crying, my students are going to think that I need therapy! Thanks, I love you!