
Sunday, March 28, 2010

Prom 2010: Together We Are

I am so blessed to live in a community that values the milestones of our teenagers. So quickly our babies become teenagers and we are so distant from their activities and their most priceless memories. I cherish that I will never be in that situation.

Jr prom is such an amazing event here. Parents are invited to prom!! And the kids love having them there. We are able to enjoy watching royalty announced, when pictures are taken, we can have pictures taken with our kids, we are invited to dance and enjoy a floor show by the junior class. This year there is only 9 girls and more than double that in boys. To make sure all the boys were able to perform, they invited some girls from the lower class to perform, Jaden was one of them. They spent almost every night for two weeks practicing and did an amazing job.

My beautiful girl.

She tried forever and couldn't do it

The Sassy Seven

Grandma and Jaden

Jaden and her BFF Brandi. I love this pix of them.

My three girls: Jaden Hadlee and Brandi

Chad and Jaden

Sweet Revenge

How else do you get a boy back for trashing your room with millions of little pieces of paper? You have him arrested of course!

A while back Nick had knocked over a girls garbage can, we used this as the reason that he was being "questioned". I had a friend of mine go pull him out of class in front of all his classmates, and drag him to the principals office to discuss the matter. The principal(on the right) was so into this, he wanted Deputy White to handcuff him and pat him down, she would not, of course. Once in the office they talked for a minute and Mr Brady stated that it would be in Nicks best interest if they called his parents to the school and he left the room to call them. When Mr Brady returned, he had the sign and the balloons from Jaden! Poor Nick, I thought he was going to cry.

Nick Lloyd asked Jaden to prom this year. He was in Rexburg for a school activity so Hadlee, Brandi and I decorated her room for her. The shredded paper was a disaster trying to clean up and I am still finding papers everywhere!

Bienvenido a la haceinda loco

As I have said before I am the biggest procrastinator! Josh had to build a Hacienda for a school project and we got it completed the night before. He did such a great job and we had so much fun building it. And yes Josh, you were right, the marshmallows were much better than the boring legos....

Jaden's Foxtrot

Jaden's Social Dance club preformed the Foxtrot at the Bancroft variety show. Jaden and Ryan had never done this dance before and learned the dance in two hours, the day of the show!