
Sunday, February 14, 2010


This year the Cheerleaders hosted a dance, The SnowBall. The night before the dance we were at the school decorating until almost 1 am. The decorations turned out so cute, and their will be a DJ there also. Im sure the kids will have a great time. Oh wait, did I mention Chad and I are the chaparones?!

It was so much fun to sluff school and go shopping with Jaden for a dress. She had wanted a short dress but of course we could not find one she liked ANYWHERE. She found this dress and it was IT. I begged and pleaded for J to get some heels and of course we end up with nike's with a gold swoosh. She is beautiful and she made the nike's look amazing!

I had to get a pic of Jaden at the piano. She is self taught, and plays mostly by ear. She can read sheet music but not like most people do. She doesn't know c,d,e,f,g,a,b, she looks at them like numbers.
Jaden had 5 boys ask her to this dance, she ended up going with her friend Kendall. He is such a good kid and is one of the few that meets Chad's approval. Kendall even brought Jaden roses.
They went with Hadlee, Brando, Nicole and Sawyer. For their day date they went to Logan to Valentines Day and to Dinner. It was 730 when they got home so it was a rush to get ready.

Jaden had warned Kendall that there would be photo shoot when he came to pick her up, he was a little worried about that. So, I promised that I would only take one picture and of course it came out blurry! It was hard to restrain myself and not pull all the kids out of the truck that were waiting. Once I get the dance pix I will post those.

It amazes me how time flies. It seems like yesterday when Jaden was 2 years old singing 'Angels Among Us' to me in her ladybug skirt, while she was rolling on the floor of my Hyde Park house. I cherish every moment I get with her and can't wait to see where she will take her life.


annilee said...

Awwww, love the dress! And of course the beautiful girl in it! I also love the Nike's! Nothing more beautiful than a girl that is compfortable in her own shoes! Go Jaden! Can't believe I never thought of that!

~tracy~ said...

how and WHEN did she get old enough to go out with BOYS? It really was just yesterday she was singing and getting upset when i called her Jaden with the hump of a camel. Taping Tyler up in thumb tape, ha.

She's so awesome.

Joni said...

This dress was perfect for her. She looks gorgeous.

I will never forget the day that I was her "special person" at her class and she sang me that skinnamarinky dinky doo song. I'm sure I looked pretty stupid bawling my eyes out, but damn it was cute!