
Friday, November 27, 2009

What am I grateful for.... Where do I begin?

I have an amazing loving husband. He is everything and more. He knows me better than I think I know myself. He is always the mellow one that calms my uptight neurotic soul. The sound of his voice, the look in his eyes and I know that everything is ok. He will make my coffee, give me a cold wash cloth when I am sick, do laundry and get the boat out even though he hates to. He has accepted my kids as his own and his main goal in life is to make them, us, me happy.

I have the most amazing kids. They are the light of my life. They surprise me on a daily basis.
Jaden or JJ for 'just Jaden' but there is nothing 'just' about her. She is the most intelligent girl that I know. She has high hopes and dreams and I know she will achieve all.
Josh is my sweet kid. He always holds the door open for ladies and will run up and take their garbage to the side of the road for them. If i forget to tuck him in at night he will come downstairs and tuck me in!
Jax what can I say, we call him monster! He is our family baby, poor kid has no hope! He is just a character, sweet, loves his blankies and bottle and loves his MAMA!

My brother and sister survived growing up with me, but they created that monster. I was the baby and Joni and Brett spoiled me more than my parents. Brett was always there to nurture my inner tomboy, Hunting ducks, pheasants, skinning squirrels, building lean-to's, and dissecting fish eyes. Joni was always there to clean me up when I got home. She struggled to teach me how to be a girl. She has and always will be my best friend. She is the one that I have always looked up to and will always strive to be like. And do I strive, falling just short.

My parents have made me the person I am today. I never truly appreciated them until recently, especially my mom. When I moved to Boise I realized how much she did for me and my kids, at least I thought I realized. It wasn't until I moved to Grace and had another baby that I truly realized how much she had done for me. She was always just a couple of miles away and I took that for granted. I will never be able to pay my parents back for everything that they have taught me, but I will forever be in their debt.

I also have the most amazing friends in the world, some close and some far. I do not always get to see my friends nearly as much as I would like. I have old friends that have stuck with me through the really crappy years of my life. They were always there to pick me up, wipe my tears, take me shopping and tell me the most famous phrase that would put a smile on my face, "BUY IT BECAUSE YOU DESERVE IT, SISSY". I have new friends that are just as amazing and I cant wait for the years to come with them also.

I could go on and on, but the internet couldn't hold all my typing. All I can say it that God has blessed me in more ways than I deserve and I am truly in awe.

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