
Thursday, October 22, 2009

Josh's Volcano

All the sixth graders had to make volcanos at school. Josh brought his note home, about two weeks ago, so that we would have plenty of time to be prepared. Well... Sunday night around 9pm I realized that it was due Monday, this Monday and we hadn't done anything. Josh and I quickly got everything together and got to work. Half-way through I ran out of regular salt and had to use my Johnny's season salt instead, hence the name Mt. Johnny's. The kids got to erupt their volcanos today for the school, which was alot of fun for everyone.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Homecoming is finally over!!!! How sweet those words are to say!! Homecoming in a small town really is something else. It does take a huge effort from the entire community to pull off and is well worth it in the end.

Jaden has put some much time and effort it to helping make homecoming come together. She leaves around 5am and I don't see her until about 10pm. She has been busy decorating the school, planning pep assemblies, dances, bon-fires, kidnapping the football players to make them breakfast the day of the game, cheer practice, powderpuff football, getting ready for the parade and not to mention she is also the asst. editor for the newspaper. Just typing that paragraph makes me want to take a nap. She is amazing in every way!

The schools theme this year is ForeverStrong. If you have not seen the movie I recommend it, what a great show. The coach Larry Gelwix came and spoke at the school. The kids were inspired and decided to adopt his insight for this year.

Friday, October 2, 2009

This year we went to Spring Hollow to take pictures of the kids. UB is the best photographer and Joni does all the staging. Jaden is beautiful as always, Josh handsome as ever and Jax as cute as can be. They are the light in my life and my proudest accomplishments.

The Cardinals beat Aberdeen!! They were so excited Aberdeen won the championship last year so it was a big win. Josh is holding the water jug to dump on his coach!!
Jaden 4th of July Parade