This summer Josh went to Camp Lemhi for scouts. He never takes pictures so I was so happy to find these. He did not want to go at first but was so excited when he found out that Dallin Lloyd would be there. I was not very excited that he would be going when I found out that a young man had previously died there on a scout trip!
They spent a week there and participated in some fun activities. Alan Johnson(one of the leaders) is more of a kid himself. He always has great things planned. He had the boys create a Geo-cache (in the near future the boys will go pull it and see who else has been there)which they hiked to the top of the mountain and placed, swimming, boating. And he taught Josh his secret ingredient to dutch oven cobbler. He is a great guy.
I am so glad Josh went. He had a lot of fun and he is such a good kid. There are days when, as a parent, you worry what your kid acts like when you send them away, and you are not there to ensure their good behavior. I do not worry with Josh. Shortly after his return home I received a thank you card in the mail, from a leader I didn't even know. He was thanking me for Josh's outstanding behavior and his willingness to help the entire camp. Yea Josh! I am so proud.